
iOS에서 디바이스 제조 및 모델을 얻는 방법

yellowcard 2023. 4. 10. 21:30

iOS에서 디바이스 제조 및 모델을 얻는 방법

현재 사용하고 있는 iPhone(예를 들어)의 종류를 판별할 수 있을까요?는 이 을 완성할 수 을 알고 있습니다.
NSString *deviceType = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model];
"iPhone"이나 "iPod" 중 어느 쪽이 있는지는 알 수 있습니다만, iPhone 3GS 대 iPhone 4S 대 iPhone 4S(실제로, 그래픽을 많이 사용하고 있기 때문에 3G를 가지고 있는지 아닌지를 판단하고 싶을 뿐입니다).

그래, 알려줘 고마워! (Erica Sadun 지음) 이 도서관에 접속해 보세요.(라이브러리는 7~8년 된 것으로, 구식입니다.

(샘플 코드):

    [[UIDevice currentDevice] platformType]   // ex: UIDevice4GiPhone
    [[UIDevice currentDevice] platformString] // ex: @"iPhone 4G"

또는 다음 방법을 사용할 수 있습니다.

디바이스 모델 번호는 sys/utsname.h에서 uname을 사용하여 얻을 수 있습니다.예를 들어 다음과 같습니다.


    #import <sys/utsname.h> // import it in your header or implementation file.

    NSString* deviceName()
        struct utsname systemInfo;
        return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine

스위프트 3

    extension UIDevice {
        var modelName: String {
            var systemInfo = utsname()
            let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
            let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
                guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
                return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
            return identifier


결과는 다음과 같습니다.

// Output on a simulator
@"i386"      on 32-bit Simulator
@"x86_64"    on 64-bit Simulator

// Output on an iPhone
@"iPhone1,1" on iPhone
@"iPhone1,2" on iPhone 3G
@"iPhone2,1" on iPhone 3GS
@"iPhone3,1" on iPhone 4 (GSM)
@"iPhone3,2" on iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)
@"iPhone3,3" on iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
@"iPhone4,1" on iPhone 4S
@"iPhone5,1" on iPhone 5 (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
@"iPhone5,2" on iPhone 5 (model A1429, everything else)
@"iPhone5,3" on iPhone 5c (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
@"iPhone5,4" on iPhone 5c (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
@"iPhone6,1" on iPhone 5s (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
@"iPhone6,2" on iPhone 5s (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
@"iPhone7,1" on iPhone 6 Plus
@"iPhone7,2" on iPhone 6
@"iPhone8,1" on iPhone 6S
@"iPhone8,2" on iPhone 6S Plus
@"iPhone8,4" on iPhone SE
@"iPhone9,1" on iPhone 7 (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,3" on iPhone 7 (GSM)
@"iPhone9,2" on iPhone 7 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,4" on iPhone 7 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,1" on iPhone 8 (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,4" on iPhone 8 (GSM)
@"iPhone10,2" on iPhone 8 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,5" on iPhone 8 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,3" on iPhone X (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,6" on iPhone X (GSM)
@"iPhone11,2" on iPhone XS
@"iPhone11,4" on iPhone XS Max
@"iPhone11,6" on iPhone XS Max China
@"iPhone11,8" on iPhone XR
@"iPhone12,1" on iPhone 11
@"iPhone12,3" on iPhone 11 Pro
@"iPhone12,5" on iPhone 11 Pro Max
@"iPhone12,8" on iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
@"iPhone13,1" on iPhone 12 Mini
@"iPhone13,2" on iPhone 12
@"iPhone13,3" on iPhone 12 Pro
@"iPhone13,4" on iPhone 12 Pro Max

//iPad 1
@"iPad1,1" on iPad - Wifi (model A1219)
@"iPad1,2" on iPad - Wifi + Cellular (model A1337)

//iPad 2
@"iPad2,1" - Wifi (model A1395)
@"iPad2,2" - GSM (model A1396)
@"iPad2,3" - 3G (model A1397)
@"iPad2,4" - Wifi (model A1395)

// iPad Mini
@"iPad2,5" - Wifi (model A1432)
@"iPad2,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1454)
@"iPad2,7" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1455)

//iPad 3
@"iPad3,1" - Wifi (model A1416)
@"iPad3,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1403)
@"iPad3,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1430)

//iPad 4
@"iPad3,4" - Wifi (model A1458)
@"iPad3,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1459)
@"iPad3,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1460)

//iPad AIR
@"iPad4,1" - Wifi (model A1474)
@"iPad4,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1475)
@"iPad4,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1476)

// iPad Mini 2
@"iPad4,4" - Wifi (model A1489)
@"iPad4,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1490)
@"iPad4,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1491)

// iPad Mini 3
@"iPad4,7" - Wifi (model A1599)
@"iPad4,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1600)
@"iPad4,9" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1601)

// iPad Mini 4
@"iPad5,1" - Wifi (model A1538)
@"iPad5,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1550)

//iPad AIR 2
@"iPad5,3" - Wifi (model A1566)
@"iPad5,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1567)

// iPad PRO 9.7"
@"iPad6,3" - Wifi (model A1673)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1674)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1675)

//iPad PRO 12.9"
@"iPad6,7" - Wifi (model A1584)
@"iPad6,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1652)

//iPad (5th generation)
@"iPad6,11" - Wifi (model A1822)
@"iPad6,12" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1823)
//iPad PRO 12.9" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad7,1" - Wifi (model A1670)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1671)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1821)
//iPad PRO 10.5"
@"iPad7,3" - Wifi (model A1701)
@"iPad7,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1709)

// iPad (6th Gen)
@"iPad7,5" - WiFi
@"iPad7,6" - WiFi + Cellular

// iPad (7th Gen)
@"iPad7,11" - WiFi
@"iPad7,12" - WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 11"
@"iPad8,1" - WiFi
@"iPad8,2" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,3" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,4" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 12.9" (3rd Gen)
@"iPad8,5" - WiFi
@"iPad8,6" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,7" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,8" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 11" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad8,9" - WiFi
@"iPad8,10" - 1TB, WiFi

//iPad PRO 12.9" (4th Gen)
@"iPad8,11" - (WiFi)
@"iPad8,12" - (WiFi+Cellular)

// iPad mini 5th Gen
@"iPad11,1" - WiFi
@"iPad11,2" - Wifi  + Cellular

// iPad Air 3rd Gen
@"iPad11,3" - Wifi 
@"iPad11,4" - Wifi  + Cellular

// iPad (8th Gen)
@"iPad11,6" - iPad 8th Gen (WiFi)
@"iPad11,7" - iPad 8th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)

// iPad Air 4th Gen
@"iPad13,1" - iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi)
@"iPad13,2" - iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)

//iPod Touch
@"iPod1,1"   on iPod Touch
@"iPod2,1"   on iPod Touch Second Generation
@"iPod3,1"   on iPod Touch Third Generation
@"iPod4,1"   on iPod Touch Fourth Generation
@"iPod5,1"   on iPod Touch 5th Generation
@"iPod7,1"   on iPod Touch 6th Generation
@"iPod9,1"   on iPod Touch 7th Generation

// Apple Watch
@"Watch1,1" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch1,2" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch2,6" on Apple Watch Series 1 38mm case
@"Watch2,7" on Apple Watch Series 1 42mm case
@"Watch2,3" on Apple Watch Series 2 38mm case
@"Watch2,4" on Apple Watch Series 2 42mm case
@"Watch3,1" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,2" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,3" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS)
@"Watch3,4" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,1" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,2" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,3" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch4,4" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,1" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,2" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,3" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,4" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,9" on Apple Watch SE 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,10" on Apple Watch SE 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,11" on Apple Watch SE 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,12" on Apple Watch SE 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch6,1" on Apple Watch Series 6 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch6,2" on Apple Watch Series 6 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch6,3" on Apple Watch Series 6 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch6,4" on Apple Watch Series 6 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)

위의 OhMee의 답변을 자세히 설명하면서 목록에 포함되지 않은 미래의 기기를 지원하기 위해 몇 가지 페일 세이프를 추가했습니다.

#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import "MyClass.h"

@implementation MyClass
    //(your private ivars)

- (NSString*) deviceName
    struct utsname systemInfo;


    NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine

    static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;

    if (!deviceNamesByCode) {

        deviceNamesByCode = @{@"i386"      : @"Simulator",
                              @"x86_64"    : @"Simulator",
                              @"iPod1,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Original)
                              @"iPod2,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Second Generation)
                              @"iPod3,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Third Generation)
                              @"iPod4,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Fourth Generation)
                              @"iPod7,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (6th Generation)       
                              @"iPhone1,1" : @"iPhone",            // (Original)
                              @"iPhone1,2" : @"iPhone",            // (3G)
                              @"iPhone2,1" : @"iPhone",            // (3GS)
                              @"iPad1,1"   : @"iPad",              // (Original)
                              @"iPad2,1"   : @"iPad 2",            //
                              @"iPad3,1"   : @"iPad",              // (3rd Generation)
                              @"iPhone3,1" : @"iPhone 4",          // (GSM)
                              @"iPhone3,3" : @"iPhone 4",          // (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
                              @"iPhone4,1" : @"iPhone 4S",         //
                              @"iPhone5,1" : @"iPhone 5",          // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
                              @"iPhone5,2" : @"iPhone 5",          // (model A1429, everything else)
                              @"iPad3,4"   : @"iPad",              // (4th Generation)
                              @"iPad2,5"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (Original)
                              @"iPhone5,3" : @"iPhone 5c",         // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
                              @"iPhone5,4" : @"iPhone 5c",         // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
                              @"iPhone6,1" : @"iPhone 5s",         // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
                              @"iPhone6,2" : @"iPhone 5s",         // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
                              @"iPhone7,1" : @"iPhone 6 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone7,2" : @"iPhone 6",          //
                              @"iPhone8,1" : @"iPhone 6S",         //
                              @"iPhone8,2" : @"iPhone 6S Plus",    //
                              @"iPhone8,4" : @"iPhone SE",         //
                              @"iPhone9,1" : @"iPhone 7",          //
                              @"iPhone9,3" : @"iPhone 7",          //
                              @"iPhone9,2" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone9,4" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone10,1": @"iPhone 8",          // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,4": @"iPhone 8",          // GSM
                              @"iPhone10,2": @"iPhone 8 Plus",     // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,5": @"iPhone 8 Plus",     // GSM
                              @"iPhone10,3": @"iPhone X",          // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,6": @"iPhone X",          // GSM
                              @"iPhone11,2": @"iPhone XS",         //
                              @"iPhone11,4": @"iPhone XS Max",     //
                              @"iPhone11,6": @"iPhone XS Max",     // China
                              @"iPhone11,8": @"iPhone XR",         //
                              @"iPhone12,1": @"iPhone 11",         //
                              @"iPhone12,3": @"iPhone 11 Pro",     //
                              @"iPhone12,5": @"iPhone 11 Pro Max", //

                              @"iPad4,1"   : @"iPad Air",          // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
                              @"iPad4,2"   : @"iPad Air",          // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
                              @"iPad4,4"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
                              @"iPad4,5"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)
                              @"iPad4,7"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (3rd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi (model A1599))
                              @"iPad6,7"   : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1584) 
                              @"iPad6,8"   : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1652) 
                              @"iPad6,3"   : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")",  // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (model A1673)
                              @"iPad6,4"   : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")"   // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (models A1674 and A1675)

    NSString* deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];

    if (!deviceName) {
        // Not found on database. At least guess main device type from string contents:

        if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
            deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
        else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
            deviceName = @"iPad";
        else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
            deviceName = @"iPhone";
        else {
            deviceName = @"Unknown";

    return deviceName;

// (rest of class implementation omitted)


또, 상세한 정보(예: 「모델 A1507, A1516, A1526(중국, A1529 | 글로벌」)를 생략하고, 대신에 코멘트에 넣었습니다.

편집:답변은 Swift 2를 사용한 유사한 구현을 제공합니다.

편집 2: 방금 iPad Pro 모델(둘 다 크기)을 추가했습니다.나중에 참조할 수 있도록 모델 번호 등은 iPhone Wiki에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

편집 3: iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max 및 iPhone XR 지원 추가.

편집 4: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro 및 iPhone 11 Pro Max 지원 추가.

각 디바이스의 완전한 이름을 취득할 수 있도록 하기 위해서, plist 파일을 작성했습니다(답변 말미에 있는 소스 코드).

OhMee의 답변을 바탕으로 다음과 같이 사용할 수 있습니다.

Swift 4.0

static func deviceName() -> String {

        var systemInfo = utsname()

        guard let iOSDeviceModelsPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "iOSDeviceModelMapping", ofType: "plist") else { return "" }
        guard let iOSDevices = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: iOSDeviceModelsPath) else { return "" }

        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))

        return iOSDevices.value(forKey: identifier) as! String

꼭 추가해 주세요.#import <sys/utsname.h>를 참조해 주세요.

목표 C

#import <sys/utsname.h>

NSString *machineName()
    struct utsname systemInfo;

    NSString *iOSDeviceModelsPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"iOSDeviceModelMapping" ofType:@"plist"];
    NSDictionary *iOSDevices = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:iOSDeviceModelsPath];

    NSString* deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine

    return [iOSDevices valueForKey:deviceModel];

plist 파일:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>iPod Touch 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 5th Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 6th Gen</string>
    <string>iPhone 3G</string>
    <string>iPhone 3GS</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4S</string>
    <string>iPhone 5 model A1428</string>
    <string>iPhone 5 model A1429</string>
    <string>iPhone 5C</string>
    <string>iPhone 5C</string>
    <string>iPhone 5S</string>
    <string>iPhone 5S</string>
    <string>iPhone 6</string>
    <string>iPhone 6 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 6S</string>
    <string>iPhone 6S Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone SE</string>
    <string>iPhone 7</string>
    <string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 7</string>
    <string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 8</string>
    <string>iPhone 8</string>
    <string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone X</string>
    <string>iPhone X</string>
    <string>iPhone XS</string>
    <string>iPhone XS Max</string>
    <string>iPhone XS Max</string>
    <string>iPhone XR</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 4</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 4</string>
    <string>iPad Air 2</string>
    <string>iPad Air 2</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>

[[UIDevice currentDevice] model] ""를 반환한다.iPhone ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」iPod할 수 알 수

이 메서드를 코드화합니다.

#include <sys/sysctl.h>

+ (NSString *)getModel {
    size_t size;
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
    char *model = malloc(size);
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", model, &size, NULL, 0);
    NSString *deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:model encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    return deviceModel;

그 을 '마음껏 하다'라고 .[self getModel]모델이 필요하시면 언제든지 "iPhone5,1"을 받으실 수 있습니다.iPhone5 니phone, 。

은 '수업하다'라는 입니다.Utils.h/Utils.m '아예'와 같은 를 붙입니다.getModel앱 내 에서나 이 수 .[Utils getModel];

아래는 그 코드입니다(코드에 모든 디바이스의 문자열이 포함되어 있지 않을있습니다.GitHub에서는 다른 사람이 같은 코드를 유지하고 있기 때문에, 거기서 최신 코드를 가져와 주세요).

목표 C: GitHub/DeviceUtil

Swift : GitHub / DeviceGuru

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

- (NSString*)hardwareDescription {
    NSString *hardware = [self hardwareString];
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,1"]) return @"iPhone 2G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,2"]) return @"iPhone 3G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,1"]) return @"iPhone 4";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone4,1"]) return @"iPhone 4S";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,1"]) return @"iPhone 5";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod1,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 1G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod2,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 2G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad1,1"]) return @"iPad";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad2,6"]) return @"iPad Mini";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad4,1"]) return @"iPad Air WIFI";
    //there are lots of other strings too, checkout the github repo
    //link is given at the top of this answer

    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"i386"]) return @"Simulator";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"x86_64"]) return @"Simulator";

    return nil;

- (NSString*)hardwareString {
    size_t size = 100;
    char *hw_machine = malloc(size);
    int name[] = {CTL_HW,HW_MACHINE};
    sysctl(name, 2, hw_machine, &size, NULL, 0);
    NSString *hardware = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:hw_machine];
    return hardware;

Nicolas Miari의하고 Nicolas Miari를 Simulator , 기::

+ (NSString*)deviceName {

  static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;
  static NSString* deviceName = nil;

  if (deviceName) {
    return deviceName;

  deviceNamesByCode = @{
    @"i386"      :@"Simulator",
    @"iPod1,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Original)
    @"iPod2,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Second Generation)
    @"iPod3,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Third Generation)
    @"iPod4,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Fourth Generation)
    @"iPhone1,1" :@"iPhone",          // (Original)
    @"iPhone1,2" :@"iPhone",          // (3G)
    @"iPhone2,1" :@"iPhone",          // (3GS)
    @"iPad1,1"   :@"iPad",            // (Original)
    @"iPad2,1"   :@"iPad 2",          //
    @"iPad3,1"   :@"iPad",            // (3rd Generation)
    @"iPhone3,1" :@"iPhone 4",        //
    @"iPhone4,1" :@"iPhone 4S",       //
    @"iPhone5,1" :@"iPhone 5",        // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
    @"iPhone5,2" :@"iPhone 5",        // (model A1429, everything else)
    @"iPad3,4"   :@"iPad",            // (4th Generation)
    @"iPad2,5"   :@"iPad Mini",       // (Original)
    @"iPhone5,3" :@"iPhone 5c",       // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
    @"iPhone5,4" :@"iPhone 5c",       // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
    @"iPhone6,1" :@"iPhone 5s",       // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
    @"iPhone6,2" :@"iPhone 5s",       // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
    @"iPad4,1"   :@"iPad Air",        // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
    @"iPad4,2"   :@"iPad Air",        // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
    @"iPad4,4"   :@"iPad Mini",       // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
    @"iPad4,5"   :@"iPad Mini"        // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)

  struct utsname systemInfo;
  NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

  deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];

  if (!deviceName) {
    // Not found in database. At least guess main device type from string contents:

    if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
      deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
    } else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
      deviceName = @"iPad";
    } else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
      deviceName = @"iPhone";
    } else {
      deviceName = @"Simulator";

  return deviceName;


NSString 설명에서 벗어나기 위한 카테고리

일반적으로 코드 전체에서 임의의 문자열 비교를 피하는 것이 좋습니다.한 곳에서 문자열을 업데이트하고 마법의 문자열을 앱에서 숨기는 것이 좋습니다.는 에에 on on on on 에 대한 를 제공합니다.UIDevice그 목적을 위해.

다른 방법으로 쉽게 취득할 수 있는 네트워킹 기능에 대한 자세한 내용을 알 필요 없이 사용 중인 기기를 알아야 합니다. 당신은 더 거칠어진 을 발견할 것이다.enum디바이스의 리스트가 증가하고 있습니다.

업데이트는 디바이스를 열거형 및 룩업테이블에 추가하는 문제입니다.


typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NTNUDeviceType) {

@interface UIDevice (NTNUExtensions)

- (NSString *)ntnu_deviceDescription;
- (NTNUDeviceType)ntnu_deviceType;



#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import "UIDevice+NTNUExtensions.h"

@implementation UIDevice (NTNUExtensions)

- (NSString *)ntnu_deviceDescription
    struct utsname systemInfo;

    return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

- (NTNUDeviceType)ntnu_deviceType
    NSNumber *deviceType = [[self ntnu_deviceTypeLookupTable] objectForKey:[self ntnu_deviceDescription]];
    return [deviceType unsignedIntegerValue];

- (NSDictionary *)ntnu_deviceTypeLookupTable
    return @{
             @"i386": @(DeviceAppleSimulator),
             @"x86_64": @(DeviceAppleSimulator),
             @"iPod1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch),
             @"iPod2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch2G),
             @"iPod3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch3G),
             @"iPod4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch4G),
             @"iPhone1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone),
             @"iPhone1,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone3G),
             @"iPhone2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone3GS),
             @"iPhone3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4),
             @"iPhone3,3": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4),
             @"iPhone4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4S),
             @"iPhone5,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5),
             @"iPhone5,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5),
             @"iPhone5,3": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5C),
             @"iPhone5,4": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5C),
             @"iPhone6,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5S),
             @"iPhone6,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5S),
             @"iPhone7,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone6_Plus),
             @"iPhone7,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone6),
             @"iPhone8,1" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone6S),
             @"iPhone8,2" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone6S_Plus),
             @"iPhone8,4" :@(DeviceAppleiPhoneSE),
             @"iPhone9,1" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7),
             @"iPhone9,3" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7),
             @"iPhone9,2" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7_Plus),
             @"iPhone9,4" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7_Plus),
             @"iPad1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad),
             @"iPad2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad2),
             @"iPad3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad3G),
             @"iPad3,4": @(DeviceAppleiPad4G),
             @"iPad2,5": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini),
             @"iPad4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad5G_Air),
             @"iPad4,2": @(DeviceAppleiPad5G_Air),
             @"iPad4,4": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini2G),
             @"iPad4,5": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini2G),


새 을 추가하고 전화하세요.UIDevice.modelName아이폰13 시리즈, 스위프트 5.0 등 현재까지 출시된 전 모델이다.

import UIKit
import SystemConfiguration

public extension UIDevice {
    static let modelName: String = {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        let deviceMapping = ["i386": "iPhone Simulator",
         "x86_64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "arm64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "iPhone1,1": "iPhone",
         "iPhone1,2": "iPhone 3G",
         "iPhone2,1": "iPhone 3GS",
         "iPhone3,1": "iPhone 4",
         "iPhone3,2": "iPhone 4 GSM Rev A",
         "iPhone3,3": "iPhone 4 CDMA",
         "iPhone4,1": "iPhone 4S",
         "iPhone5,1": "iPhone 5 (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,2": "iPhone 5 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPhone5,3": "iPhone 5C (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,4": "iPhone 5C (Global)",
         "iPhone6,1": "iPhone 5S (GSM)",
         "iPhone6,2": "iPhone 5S (Global)",
         "iPhone7,1": "iPhone 6 Plus",
         "iPhone7,2": "iPhone 6",
         "iPhone8,1": "iPhone 6s",
         "iPhone8,2": "iPhone 6s Plus",
         "iPhone8,4": "iPhone SE (GSM)",
         "iPhone9,1": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,2": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone9,3": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,4": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone10,1": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,2": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,3": "iPhone X Global",
         "iPhone10,4": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,5": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,6": "iPhone X GSM",
         "iPhone11,2": "iPhone XS",
         "iPhone11,4": "iPhone XS Max",
         "iPhone11,6": "iPhone XS Max Global",
         "iPhone11,8": "iPhone XR",
         "iPhone12,1": "iPhone 11",
         "iPhone12,3": "iPhone 11 Pro",
         "iPhone12,5": "iPhone 11 Pro Max",
         "iPhone12,8": "iPhone SE 2nd Gen",
         "iPhone13,1": "iPhone 12 Mini",
         "iPhone13,2": "iPhone 12",
         "iPhone13,3": "iPhone 12 Pro",
         "iPhone13,4": "iPhone 12 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,2": "iPhone 13 Pro",
         "iPhone14,3": "iPhone 13 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,4": "iPhone 13 Mini",
         "iPhone14,5": "iPhone 13",
         "iPod1,1": "1st Gen iPod",
         "iPod2,1": "2nd Gen iPod",
         "iPod3,1": "3rd Gen iPod",
         "iPod4,1": "4th Gen iPod",
         "iPod5,1": "5th Gen iPod",
         "iPod7,1": "6th Gen iPod",
         "iPod9,1": "7th Gen iPod",
         "iPad1,1": "iPad",
         "iPad1,2": "iPad 3G",
         "iPad2,1": "2nd Gen iPad",
         "iPad2,2": "2nd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,3": "2nd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad2,4": "2nd Gen iPad New Revision",
         "iPad3,1": "3rd Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,2": "3rd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad3,3": "3rd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,5": "iPad mini",
         "iPad2,6": "iPad mini GSM+LTE",
         "iPad2,7": "iPad mini CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad3,4": "4th Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,5": "4th Gen iPad GSM+LTE",
         "iPad3,6": "4th Gen iPad CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad4,1": "iPad Air (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,2": "iPad Air (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,3": "1st Gen iPad Air (China)",
         "iPad4,4": "iPad mini Retina (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,5": "iPad mini Retina (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,6": "iPad mini Retina (China)",
         "iPad4,7": "iPad mini 3 (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,8": "iPad mini 3 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,9": "iPad Mini 3 (China)",
         "iPad5,1": "iPad mini 4 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,2": "4th Gen iPad mini (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad5,3": "iPad Air 2 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,4": "iPad Air 2 (Cellular)",
         "iPad6,3": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,4": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,7": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,8": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,11": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad6,12": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad7,1": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,2": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,3": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,4": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,5": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,6": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,11": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,12": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,1": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,2": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,3": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,5": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,6": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,7": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,9": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,10": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,12": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad11,1": "iPad mini 5th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,2": "iPad mini 5th Gen",
         "iPad11,3": "iPad Air 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,4": "iPad Air 3rd Gen",
         "iPad11,6": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,7": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,1": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad13,2": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,5": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,6": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,7": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,9": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,10": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen"]
        return deviceMapping[identifier] ?? identifier

iOS Real Device Hardware 기반 디바이스 이름 및 머신 이름

이 문제에 대한 저의 해결책은 기본적으로 이 스레드 내의 @NicolasMiari 답변과 관련이 있습니다.개별 유틸리티 클래스에는 Device 및 Machine 이름 세트가 미리 정의된 후 실제 시스템 이름에 따라 Device Name을 검색합니다.

주의: 이 답변과 링크된 GitHub 프로젝트는 2017년 10월 현재 최신 아이폰(iPhone 8, 8+, X)을 식별하기 위해 업데이트되었습니다.iOS11에서도 동작합니다.GitHub repo에 접속하여 확인하시고 이상이 있으면 피드백을 주시기 바랍니다.

 * Retrieves back the device name or if not the machine name.
+ (NSString*)deviceModelName {
    struct utsname systemInfo;
    NSString *machineName = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    //MARK: More official list is at
    //MARK: You may just return machineName. Following is for convenience
    NSDictionary *commonNamesDictionary =
      @"i386":     @"i386 Simulator",
      @"x86_64":   @"x86_64 Simulator",

      @"iPhone1,1":    @"iPhone",
      @"iPhone1,2":    @"iPhone 3G",
      @"iPhone2,1":    @"iPhone 3GS",
      @"iPhone3,1":    @"iPhone 4",
      @"iPhone3,2":    @"iPhone 4(Rev A)",
      @"iPhone3,3":    @"iPhone 4(CDMA)",
      @"iPhone4,1":    @"iPhone 4S",
      @"iPhone5,1":    @"iPhone 5(GSM)",
      @"iPhone5,2":    @"iPhone 5(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone5,3":    @"iPhone 5c(GSM)",
      @"iPhone5,4":    @"iPhone 5c(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone6,1":    @"iPhone 5s(GSM)",
      @"iPhone6,2":    @"iPhone 5s(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone7,1":    @"iPhone 6+(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone7,2":    @"iPhone 6(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone8,1":    @"iPhone 6S(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone8,2":    @"iPhone 6S+(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone8,4":    @"iPhone SE(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone9,1":    @"iPhone 7(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone9,2":    @"iPhone 7+(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone9,3":    @"iPhone 7(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPhone9,4":    @"iPhone 7+(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad1,1":  @"iPad",
      @"iPad2,1":  @"iPad 2(WiFi)",
      @"iPad2,2":  @"iPad 2(GSM)",
      @"iPad2,3":  @"iPad 2(CDMA)",
      @"iPad2,4":  @"iPad 2(WiFi Rev A)",
      @"iPad2,5":  @"iPad Mini 1G (WiFi)",
      @"iPad2,6":  @"iPad Mini 1G (GSM)",
      @"iPad2,7":  @"iPad Mini 1G (GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad3,1":  @"iPad 3(WiFi)",
      @"iPad3,2":  @"iPad 3(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad3,3":  @"iPad 3(GSM)",
      @"iPad3,4":  @"iPad 4(WiFi)",
      @"iPad3,5":  @"iPad 4(GSM)",
      @"iPad3,6":  @"iPad 4(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad4,1":  @"iPad Air(WiFi)",
      @"iPad4,2":  @"iPad Air(GSM)",
      @"iPad4,3":  @"iPad Air(GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad5,3":  @"iPad Air 2 (WiFi)",
      @"iPad5,4":  @"iPad Air 2 (GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad4,4":  @"iPad Mini 2G (WiFi)",
      @"iPad4,5":  @"iPad Mini 2G (GSM)",
      @"iPad4,6":  @"iPad Mini 2G (GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPad4,7":  @"iPad Mini 3G (WiFi)",
      @"iPad4,8":  @"iPad Mini 3G (GSM)",
      @"iPad4,9":  @"iPad Mini 3G (GSM+CDMA)",
      @"iPod1,1":  @"iPod 1st Gen",
      @"iPod2,1":  @"iPod 2nd Gen",
      @"iPod3,1":  @"iPod 3rd Gen",
      @"iPod4,1":  @"iPod 4th Gen",
      @"iPod5,1":  @"iPod 5th Gen",
      @"iPod7,1":  @"iPod 6th Gen",
    NSString *deviceName = commonNamesDictionary[machineName];
    if (deviceName == nil) {
        deviceName = machineName;
    return deviceName;

이 구현과 기타 편리한 유틸리티 메서드를 클래스에 추가하여 이 GitHub Repository에 게시했습니다.또한Wiki 페이지에서 최신 장치 정보 목록을 찾을 수 있습니다.

꼭 방문해 주세요.


sys 프레임워크 Import가 필요할 수 있습니다.

#import <sys/utsname.h>

Swift 3 호환

// MARK: - UIDevice Extension -

private let DeviceList = [
/* iPod 5 */          "iPod5,1": "iPod Touch 5",
/* iPhone 4 */        "iPhone3,1":  "iPhone 4", "iPhone3,2": "iPhone 4", "iPhone3,3": "iPhone 4",
/* iPhone 4S */       "iPhone4,1": "iPhone 4S",
/* iPhone 5 */        "iPhone5,1": "iPhone 5", "iPhone5,2": "iPhone 5",
/* iPhone 5C */       "iPhone5,3": "iPhone 5C", "iPhone5,4": "iPhone 5C",
/* iPhone 5S */       "iPhone6,1": "iPhone 5S", "iPhone6,2": "iPhone 5S",
/* iPhone 6 */        "iPhone7,2": "iPhone 6",
/* iPhone 6 Plus */   "iPhone7,1": "iPhone 6 Plus",
/* iPhone 6S */       "iPhone8,1": "iPhone 6S",
/* iPhone 6S Plus */  "iPhone8,2": "iPhone 6S Plus",
/* iPhone SE */       "iPhone8,4": "iPhone SE",
/* iPhone 7 */        "iPhone9,1": "iPhone 7",
/* iPhone 7 */        "iPhone9,3": "iPhone 7",
/* iPhone 7 Plus */   "iPhone9,2": "iPhone 7 Plus",
/* iPhone 7 Plus */   "iPhone9,4": "iPhone 7 Plus",
/* iPad 2 */          "iPad2,1": "iPad 2", "iPad2,2": "iPad 2", "iPad2,3": "iPad 2", "iPad2,4": "iPad 2",
/* iPad 3 */          "iPad3,1": "iPad 3", "iPad3,2": "iPad 3", "iPad3,3":     "iPad 3",
/* iPad 4 */          "iPad3,4": "iPad 4", "iPad3,5": "iPad 4", "iPad3,6": "iPad 4",
/* iPad Air */        "iPad4,1": "iPad Air", "iPad4,2": "iPad Air", "iPad4,3": "iPad Air",
/* iPad Air 2 */      "iPad5,1": "iPad Air 2", "iPad5,3": "iPad Air 2", "iPad5,4": "iPad Air 2",
/* iPad Mini */       "iPad2,5": "iPad Mini 1", "iPad2,6": "iPad Mini 1", "iPad2,7": "iPad Mini 1",
/* iPad Mini 2 */     "iPad4,4": "iPad Mini 2", "iPad4,5": "iPad Mini 2", "iPad4,6": "iPad Mini 2",
/* iPad Mini 3 */     "iPad4,7": "iPad Mini 3", "iPad4,8": "iPad Mini 3", "iPad4,9": "iPad Mini 3",
/* iPad Pro 12.9 */   "iPad6,7": "iPad Pro 12.9", "iPad6,8": "iPad Pro 12.9",
/* iPad Pro  9.7 */   "iPad6,3": "iPad Pro 9.7", "iPad6,4": "iPad Pro 9.7",
/* Simulator */       "x86_64": "Simulator", "i386": "Simulator"

extension UIDevice {

    static var modelName: String {
        var systemInfo = utsname()

        let machine = systemInfo.machine
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: machine)

        var identifier = ""

        for child in mirror.children {
            if let value = child.value as? Int8, value != 0 {
                identifier += String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        return DeviceList[identifier] ?? identifier

    static var isIphone4: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 5" || modelName == "iPhone 5C" || modelName == "iPhone 5S" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone4

    static var isIphone5: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 4S" || modelName == "iPhone 4" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone5

    static var isIphone6: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 6" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone6
    static var isIphone6Plus: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 6 Plus" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone6Plus

    static var isIpad: Bool {
        if UIDevice.current.model.contains("iPad") {
            return true
        return false

    static var isIphone: Bool {
        return !self.isIpad

    /// Check if current device is iPhone4S (and earlier) relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone4: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(480)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone5 relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone5: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(568)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone6 relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone6: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(667)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone6 Plus relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone6Plus: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(736)

    private static func isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(_ heigth: CGFloat) -> Bool {
        let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
        return modelName == "Simulator" && screenSize.height == heigth


이 솔루션은 물리 디바이스와 iOS 시뮬레이터 모두에서 동작합니다.예를 들어 시뮬레이터가 물리 디바이스를 반환하는 것과 같은 모델을 반환하는 것은 "x86_64"가 아닌 "iPhone10,6" for iPhoneX(GSM)와 같은 모델입니다.

정의 - Swift 4:

import UIKit

extension UIDevice {
    var modelName: String {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        if let value = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] {
            return value
        } else {
            return identifier


#import <sys/utsname.h>

#define HARDWARE @{@"i386": @"Simulator",@"x86_64": @"Simulator",@"iPod1,1": @"iPod Touch",@"iPod2,1": @"iPod Touch 2nd Generation",@"iPod3,1": @"iPod Touch 3rd Generation",@"iPod4,1": @"iPod Touch 4th Generation",@"iPhone1,1": @"iPhone",@"iPhone1,2": @"iPhone 3G",@"iPhone2,1": @"iPhone 3GS",@"iPhone3,1": @"iPhone 4",@"iPhone4,1": @"iPhone 4S",@"iPhone5,1": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,2": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,3": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone5,4": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone6,1": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPhone6,2": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPad1,1": @"iPad",@"iPad2,1": @"iPad 2",@"iPad3,1": @"iPad 3rd Generation ",@"iPad3,4": @"iPad 4th Generation ",@"iPad2,5": @"iPad Mini",@"iPad4,4": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,5": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Cellular",@"iPad4,1": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,2": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Cellular"}

@interface ViewController ()

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    struct utsname systemInfo;
    NSLog(@"hardware: %@",[HARDWARE objectForKey:[NSString stringWithCString: systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]);

미러를 사용하지 않고 Swift에서 디바이스 이름을 얻을 수 있습니다.Swift는 필요에 따라 자동으로 포인터로 변환할 수 있습니다.간단한 것은 다음과 같습니다.

/// Returns "iPhone1,1", etc.
var deviceName: String {
    var sysinfo = utsname()
    return String(cString: &sysinfo.machine.0)

(이 평가절하 답변에 대한 힌트:

아래 기능은 Swift의 iOS7 이상 버전에서 완벽하게 작동합니다.

func DeviceName()-> String {

        var myDeviceName : String = String()

        var systemInfo = [UInt8](count: sizeof(utsname), repeatedValue: 0)

        let model = systemInfo.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { (inout body: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> String? in

            if uname(UnsafeMutablePointer(body.baseAddress)) != 0 {
                return nil

            return String.fromCString(UnsafePointer(body.baseAddress.advancedBy(Int(_SYS_NAMELEN * 4))))

        let deviceNamesByCode : [String: String] = ["iPod1,1":"iPod Touch 1",
                                                    "iPod2,1":"iPod Touch 2",
                                                    "iPod3,1":"iPod Touch 3",
                                                    "iPod4,1":"iPod Touch 4",
                                                    "iPod5,1":"iPod Touch 5",
                                                    "iPod7,1":"iPod Touch 6",
                                                    "iPhone1,2":"iPhone ",
                                                    "iPhone2,1":"iPhone ",
                                                    "iPhone3,1":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone3,2":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone3,3":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone4,1":"iPhone 4s",
                                                    "iPhone5,1":"iPhone 5",
                                                    "iPhone5,2":"iPhone 5",
                                                    "iPhone5,3":"iPhone 5c",
                                                    "iPhone5,4":"iPhone 5c",
                                                    "iPhone6,1":"iPhone 5s",
                                                    "iPhone6,2":"iPhone 5s",
                                                    "iPhone7,2":"iPhone 6",
                                                    "iPhone7,1":"iPhone 6 Plus",
                                                    "iPhone8,1":"iPhone 6s",
                                                    "iPhone8,2":"iPhone 6s Plus",
                                                    "iPhone8,4":"iPhone SE",
                                                    "iPad2,1":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,2":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,3":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,4":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad3,1":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,2":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,3":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,4":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad3,5":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad3,6":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad4,1":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad4,2":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad4,3":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad5,3":"iPad Air 2",
                                                    "iPad5,4":"iPad Air 2",
                                                    "iPad2,5":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad2,6":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad2,7":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad4,4":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,5":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,6":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,7":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad4,8":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad4,9":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad5,1":"iPad Mini 4",
                                                    "iPad5,2":"iPad Mini 4",
                                                    "iPad6,3":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,4":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,7":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,8":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "AppleTV5,3":"Apple TV",


        if model!.characters.count > 0 {
            myDeviceName = deviceNamesByCode[model!]!
            myDeviceName = UIDevice.currentDevice().model

        return myDeviceName


이 질문은 2012년에 제기되었지만, 애플은 여전히 장치 모달 식별자를 장치 이름으로 변환하는 방법을 제공하지 않습니다.애플이 새로운 기기를 출시할 때 불행히도 빠르게 구식이 되는 이러한 이름들을 하드코딩하는 것에 의존하는 많은 답변들이 있었다.

필요한 것은 항상 갱신된 목록을 입수하는 방법이며, 이 목록은에 있습니다.

새로운 디바이스가 추가될 때마다 이 Swift 패키지가 갱신되며, 필요한 것은 의존관계를 갱신하는 것뿐입니다.

//  UIDevice+Hardware.h
//  gauravds

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIDevice (Hardware)

- (NSString *)modelIdentifier;
- (NSString *)modelName;


카테고리를 만드는 것은 어떨까요?malloc 방식의 보안 누출 이슈를 사용하지 마십시오.안전 기능을 사용합니다.

NSLog(@"%@ %@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] modelName], [[UIDevice currentDevice] modelIdentifier]);

시사점을 참조해 주세요.

//  UIDevice+Hardware.m
//  gauravds

#import "UIDevice+Hardware.h"
#import <sys/utsname.h>

@implementation UIDevice (Hardware)

- (NSString *)modelIdentifier {
    struct utsname systemInfo;
    return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

- (NSString *)modelName {
    return [self modelNameForModelIdentifier:[self modelIdentifier]];

- (NSString *)modelNameForModelIdentifier:(NSString *)modelIdentifier {
    // iPhone

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,1"])    return @"iPhone 1G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,2"])    return @"iPhone 3G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone2,1"])    return @"iPhone 3GS";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,1"])    return @"iPhone 4 (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,2"])    return @"iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,3"])    return @"iPhone 4 (CDMA)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone4,1"])    return @"iPhone 4S";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,1"])    return @"iPhone 5 (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,2"])    return @"iPhone 5 (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,3"])    return @"iPhone 5c (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,4"])    return @"iPhone 5c (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone6,1"])    return @"iPhone 5s (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone6,2"])    return @"iPhone 5s (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone7,1"])    return @"iPhone 6 Plus";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone7,2"])    return @"iPhone 6";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone8,1"])    return @"iPhone 6s";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone8,2"])    return @"iPhone 6s Plus";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone8,4"])    return @"iPhone SE";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone9,1"])    return @"iPhone 7";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone9,2"])    return @"iPhone 7 Plus";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone9,3"])    return @"iPhone 7";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone9,4"])    return @"iPhone 7 Plus";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,1"])   return @"iPhone 8";          // US (Verizon), China, Japan
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,2"])   return @"iPhone 8 Plus";     // US (Verizon), China, Japan
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,3"])   return @"iPhone X";          // US (Verizon), China, Japan
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,4"])   return @"iPhone 8";          // AT&T, Global
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,5"])   return @"iPhone 8 Plus";     // AT&T, Global
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPhone10,6"])   return @"iPhone X";          // AT&T, Global

    // iPad

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad1,1"])      return @"iPad 1G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,1"])      return @"iPad 2 (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,2"])      return @"iPad 2 (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,3"])      return @"iPad 2 (CDMA)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,4"])      return @"iPad 2 (Rev A)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,1"])      return @"iPad 3 (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,2"])      return @"iPad 3 (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,3"])      return @"iPad 3 (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,4"])      return @"iPad 4 (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,5"])      return @"iPad 4 (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad3,6"])      return @"iPad 4 (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,11"])     return @"iPad (5th gen) (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,12"])     return @"iPad (5th gen) (Cellular)";

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,1"])      return @"iPad Air (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,2"])      return @"iPad Air (Cellular)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad5,3"])      return @"iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad5,4"])      return @"iPad Air 2 (Cellular)";

    // iPad Mini

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,5"])      return @"iPad mini 1G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,6"])      return @"iPad mini 1G (GSM)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad2,7"])      return @"iPad mini 1G (Global)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,4"])      return @"iPad mini 2G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,5"])      return @"iPad mini 2G (Cellular)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,6"])      return @"iPad mini 2G (Cellular)"; // TD-LTE model see
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,7"])      return @"iPad mini 3G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,8"])      return @"iPad mini 3G (Cellular)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad4,9"])      return @"iPad mini 3G (Cellular)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad5,1"])      return @"iPad mini 4G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad5,2"])      return @"iPad mini 4G (Cellular)";

    // iPad Pro

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,3"])      return @"iPad Pro (9.7 inch) 1G (Wi-Fi)"; //,3
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,4"])      return @"iPad Pro (9.7 inch) 1G (Cellular)"; //,4
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,7"])      return @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch) 1G (Wi-Fi)"; //
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad6,8"])      return @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch) 1G (Cellular)"; //,8
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad 7,1"])     return @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch) 2G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad 7,2"])     return @"iPad Pro (12.9 inch) 2G (Cellular)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad 7,3"])     return @"iPad Pro (10.5 inch) 1G (Wi-Fi)";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPad 7,4"])     return @"iPad Pro (10.5 inch) 1G (Cellular)";

    // iPod

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod1,1"])      return @"iPod touch 1G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod2,1"])      return @"iPod touch 2G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod3,1"])      return @"iPod touch 3G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod4,1"])      return @"iPod touch 4G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod5,1"])      return @"iPod touch 5G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"iPod7,1"])      return @"iPod touch 6G"; // as 6,1 was never released 7,1 is actually 6th generation

    // Apple TV

    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"AppleTV1,1"])      return @"Apple TV 1G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"AppleTV2,1"])      return @"Apple TV 2G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"AppleTV3,1"])      return @"Apple TV 3G";
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"AppleTV3,2"])      return @"Apple TV 3G"; // small, incremental update over 3,1
    if ([modelIdentifier isEqualToString:@"AppleTV5,3"])      return @"Apple TV 4G"; // as 4,1 was never released, 5,1 is actually 4th generation

    // Simulator
    if ([modelIdentifier hasSuffix:@"86"] || [modelIdentifier isEqual:@"x86_64"])
        BOOL smallerScreen = ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width < 768.0);
        return (smallerScreen ? @"iPhone Simulator" : @"iPad Simulator");

    return modelIdentifier;


다른 사람의 시간을 절약하기 위해서.개인 API를 사용하는 답변 제안 라이브러리를 승인하고 투표해야 하며, 바로 어제 앱이 확장으로 인해 거부되었습니다!포드로 설치된 GBDeviceInfo 라이브러리로 전환하려고 합니다.현재로서는 보기 좋고 유지 보수도 잘 되어 최신 기기로 업데이트 됩니다.

Swift 4 이후

extension UIDevice {
    var modelName: String {
        if let modelName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] { return modelName }
        var info = utsname()
        return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(
                   Mirror(reflecting: info.machine)
                    .compactMap {
                        guard let value = $0.value as? Int8 else { return nil }
                        let unicode = UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value))
                        return unicode.isASCII ? unicode : nil

UIDevice.current.modelName   // "iPad6,4"

여기 Anirudh의 현대판 접근법이 있습니다.MirrorSwift 4.2 이상에서 작동합니다.

import UIKit

extension UIDevice {
  var machineName: String {
    var info = utsname()
    return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &info) { info in
      // We could alternatively return nil here, or handle
      // errors some other way.
      guard uname(info) == 0 else { return model }
      let offset = MemoryLayout.offset(of: \utsname.machine)!
      let machine = UnsafeRawPointer(info).advanced(by: offset).assumingMemoryBound(to: CChar.self)
      return String(cString: machine)

디바이스 목록이 있는 경우(예를 들어 Swift 3의 경우 위의에서 @Tib를 사용하여 처리):

extension UIDevice {
    /// Fetches the information about the name of the device.
    /// - Returns: Should return meaningful device name, if not found will return device system code.
    public static func modelName() -> String {
        let physicalName = deviceSystemCode()
        if let deviceTypes = deviceTypes(), let modelName = deviceTypes[physicalName] as? String {
            return modelName
        return physicalName

private extension UIDevice {
    /// Fetches from system the code of the device
    static func deviceSystemCode() -> String {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        return identifier

    /// Fetches the plist entries from plist maintained in
    /// - Returns: A dictionary with pairs of deviceSystemCode <-> meaningfulDeviceName.
    static func deviceTypes() -> NSDictionary? {
        if let fileUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "your plist name", withExtension: "plist"),
            let configurationDictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOf: fileUrl) {
            return configurationDictionary
        return nil

나중에 다음을 사용하여 호출할 수 있습니다.UIDevice.modelName().

추가 크레딧은 @Tib(플리스트의 경우), @Anirudh Joshi(플리스트의 경우)로 보내집니다.deviceSystemCode()기능).

이러한 값을 얻으려면 ideviceinfo를 사용하면 어떨까요?다음을 사용하여 설치할 수 있어야 합니다.brew install ideviceinfo

그런 다음 실행합니다.

PRODUCT_NAME=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductName)
PRODUCT_TYPE=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductType)
PRODUCT_VERSION=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductVersion)

s Swift's를 하고 않은 Mirror일반 유형을 사용하는 솔루션은 다음과 같습니다(시뮬레이터도 지원).

#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
@objc public protocol UIDevicePrivate {
    @objc func _deviceInfoForKey(_:String) -> Any?

extension UIDevice {
    var hardwareModel: String {
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
        let privateSelf = unsafeBitCast(self, to:UIDevicePrivate.self)
        if let model = privateSelf._deviceInfoForKey("HWModelStr") as? String {
            return model + " (Simulator)"
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        return String(characters: systemInfo.machine)

typealias StaticArray256<Element> = (Element, Element, Element,Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element)

// This function is necessary because Swift really doesn't like creating a 256 element long static array

func enumerate<T>(tuple: StaticArray256<T>, body: (Int, T) -> Void) {
    body(0, tuple.0)
    body(1, tuple.1)
    body(2, tuple.2)
    body(3, tuple.3)
    body(4, tuple.4)
    body(5, tuple.5)
    body(6, tuple.6)
    body(7, tuple.7)
    body(8, tuple.8)
    body(9, tuple.9)
    body(10, tuple.10)
    body(11, tuple.11)
    body(12, tuple.12)
    body(13, tuple.13)
    body(14, tuple.14)
    body(15, tuple.15)
    body(16, tuple.16)
    body(17, tuple.17)
    body(18, tuple.18)
    body(19, tuple.19)
    body(20, tuple.20)
    body(21, tuple.21)
    body(22, tuple.22)
    body(23, tuple.23)
    body(24, tuple.24)
    body(25, tuple.25)
    body(26, tuple.26)
    body(27, tuple.27)
    body(28, tuple.28)
    body(29, tuple.29)
    body(30, tuple.30)
    body(31, tuple.31)
    body(32, tuple.32)
    body(33, tuple.33)
    body(34, tuple.34)
    body(35, tuple.35)
    body(36, tuple.36)
    body(37, tuple.37)
    body(38, tuple.38)
    body(39, tuple.39)
    body(40, tuple.40)
    body(41, tuple.41)
    body(42, tuple.42)
    body(43, tuple.43)
    body(44, tuple.44)
    body(45, tuple.45)
    body(46, tuple.46)
    body(47, tuple.47)
    body(48, tuple.48)
    body(49, tuple.49)
    body(50, tuple.50)
    body(51, tuple.51)
    body(52, tuple.52)
    body(53, tuple.53)
    body(54, tuple.54)
    body(55, tuple.55)
    body(56, tuple.56)
    body(57, tuple.57)
    body(58, tuple.58)
    body(59, tuple.59)
    body(60, tuple.60)
    body(61, tuple.61)
    body(62, tuple.62)
    body(63, tuple.63)
    body(64, tuple.64)
    body(65, tuple.65)
    body(66, tuple.66)
    body(67, tuple.67)
    body(68, tuple.68)
    body(69, tuple.69)
    body(70, tuple.70)
    body(71, tuple.71)
    body(72, tuple.72)
    body(73, tuple.73)
    body(74, tuple.74)
    body(75, tuple.75)
    body(76, tuple.76)
    body(77, tuple.77)
    body(78, tuple.78)
    body(79, tuple.79)
    body(80, tuple.80)
    body(81, tuple.81)
    body(82, tuple.82)
    body(83, tuple.83)
    body(84, tuple.84)
    body(85, tuple.85)
    body(86, tuple.86)
    body(87, tuple.87)
    body(88, tuple.88)
    body(89, tuple.89)
    body(90, tuple.90)
    body(91, tuple.91)
    body(92, tuple.92)
    body(93, tuple.93)
    body(94, tuple.94)
    body(95, tuple.95)
    body(96, tuple.96)
    body(97, tuple.97)
    body(98, tuple.98)
    body(99, tuple.99)
    body(100, tuple.100)
    body(101, tuple.101)
    body(102, tuple.102)
    body(103, tuple.103)
    body(104, tuple.104)
    body(105, tuple.105)
    body(106, tuple.106)
    body(107, tuple.107)
    body(108, tuple.108)
    body(109, tuple.109)
    body(110, tuple.110)
    body(111, tuple.111)
    body(112, tuple.112)
    body(113, tuple.113)
    body(114, tuple.114)
    body(115, tuple.115)
    body(116, tuple.116)
    body(117, tuple.117)
    body(118, tuple.118)
    body(119, tuple.119)
    body(120, tuple.120)
    body(121, tuple.121)
    body(122, tuple.122)
    body(123, tuple.123)
    body(124, tuple.124)
    body(125, tuple.125)
    body(126, tuple.126)
    body(127, tuple.127)
    body(128, tuple.128)
    body(129, tuple.129)
    body(130, tuple.130)
    body(131, tuple.131)
    body(132, tuple.132)
    body(133, tuple.133)
    body(134, tuple.134)
    body(135, tuple.135)
    body(136, tuple.136)
    body(137, tuple.137)
    body(138, tuple.138)
    body(139, tuple.139)
    body(140, tuple.140)
    body(141, tuple.141)
    body(142, tuple.142)
    body(143, tuple.143)
    body(144, tuple.144)
    body(145, tuple.145)
    body(146, tuple.146)
    body(147, tuple.147)
    body(148, tuple.148)
    body(149, tuple.149)
    body(150, tuple.150)
    body(151, tuple.151)
    body(152, tuple.152)
    body(153, tuple.153)
    body(154, tuple.154)
    body(155, tuple.155)
    body(156, tuple.156)
    body(157, tuple.157)
    body(158, tuple.158)
    body(159, tuple.159)
    body(160, tuple.160)
    body(161, tuple.161)
    body(162, tuple.162)
    body(163, tuple.163)
    body(164, tuple.164)
    body(165, tuple.165)
    body(166, tuple.166)
    body(167, tuple.167)
    body(168, tuple.168)
    body(169, tuple.169)
    body(170, tuple.170)
    body(171, tuple.171)
    body(172, tuple.172)
    body(173, tuple.173)
    body(174, tuple.174)
    body(175, tuple.175)
    body(176, tuple.176)
    body(177, tuple.177)
    body(178, tuple.178)
    body(179, tuple.179)
    body(180, tuple.180)
    body(181, tuple.181)
    body(182, tuple.182)
    body(183, tuple.183)
    body(184, tuple.184)
    body(185, tuple.185)
    body(186, tuple.186)
    body(187, tuple.187)
    body(188, tuple.188)
    body(189, tuple.189)
    body(190, tuple.190)
    body(191, tuple.191)
    body(192, tuple.192)
    body(193, tuple.193)
    body(194, tuple.194)
    body(195, tuple.195)
    body(196, tuple.196)
    body(197, tuple.197)
    body(198, tuple.198)
    body(199, tuple.199)
    body(200, tuple.200)
    body(201, tuple.201)
    body(202, tuple.202)
    body(203, tuple.203)
    body(204, tuple.204)
    body(205, tuple.205)
    body(206, tuple.206)
    body(207, tuple.207)
    body(208, tuple.208)
    body(209, tuple.209)
    body(210, tuple.210)
    body(211, tuple.211)
    body(212, tuple.212)
    body(213, tuple.213)
    body(214, tuple.214)
    body(215, tuple.215)
    body(216, tuple.216)
    body(217, tuple.217)
    body(218, tuple.218)
    body(219, tuple.219)
    body(220, tuple.220)
    body(221, tuple.221)
    body(222, tuple.222)
    body(223, tuple.223)
    body(224, tuple.224)
    body(225, tuple.225)
    body(226, tuple.226)
    body(227, tuple.227)
    body(228, tuple.228)
    body(229, tuple.229)
    body(230, tuple.230)
    body(231, tuple.231)
    body(232, tuple.232)
    body(233, tuple.233)
    body(234, tuple.234)
    body(235, tuple.235)
    body(236, tuple.236)
    body(237, tuple.237)
    body(238, tuple.238)
    body(239, tuple.239)
    body(240, tuple.240)
    body(241, tuple.241)
    body(242, tuple.242)
    body(243, tuple.243)
    body(244, tuple.244)
    body(245, tuple.245)
    body(246, tuple.246)
    body(247, tuple.247)
    body(248, tuple.248)
    body(249, tuple.249)
    body(250, tuple.250)
    body(251, tuple.251)
    body(252, tuple.252)
    body(253, tuple.253)
    body(254, tuple.254)
    body(255, tuple.255)

extension Array {
    init(staticArray: StaticArray256<Element>) {
        var array = [Element]()
        enumerate(tuple: staticArray) { array.append($1) }
        self = array

extension String {
    init(characters: StaticArray256<CChar>) {
        self.init(String.UnicodeScalarView(Array(staticArray: characters).compactMap(Int.init).filter({ $0 > 0 }).compactMap(UnicodeScalar.init)))

Kotlin 네이티브:

memScoped {
            val q = alloc<utsname>()
            val identifier = NSString.stringWithCString(q.machine, encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)

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